Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Hulu’s ‘The Path’ portrays family life inside a cult
by freemindfade invery interesting.
give this a read.
Island Man
I watched the first 2 episodes already. Looking forward to the next. -
Wt "study" Participation, is it a "True Believer" Indication?-- or not?
by prologos inin our congregation, the elders rarely comment.
the majority rarely comment, 2 sisters, vehemently, and often comment.
since in their case, it can not possibly be" teaching in the congregation", is participation in the wt "study"in general an affirmation of faith?
Island Man
I don't think commenting necessarily indicates that someone is a true believer. Sometimes an awake JW might comment just to keep up appearances. Or maybe an awake JW might give comments that are geared at subtly hinting at TTATT or maybe to subtly counter extremist views shared in the literature or other comments.
So I think the nature of the comments have to also be taken into consideration. Do the comments bear the mark of extremist JW views, blindly towing the Watchtower line; or are they more reasonable, thoughtful and sober encouraging balance, compassion, lack of judgmentalism, etc?
JW Tattoos
by bradford ini'm sure there are countless opinions on whether you should get a tattoo or not.
my personal view is that if you were to get one it should mean something.. anyone get a tattoo to remember their jw roots?
i was thinking of getting a tetragrammaton somewhere.
Island Man
I wonder what the elders would say if a JW got a tattoo of the logo on his chest? -
Does anyone here watch the walking dead?
by Butyoucanneverleave inif so, what did you think about tonight's season finale?
Island Man
Ha! It's been uploaded. I'll let you know my thoughts when I'm done watching... -
Does anyone here watch the walking dead?
by Butyoucanneverleave inif so, what did you think about tonight's season finale?
Island Man
I watch it. But I haven't seen the finale yet - it hasn't been uploaded to the pirate video streaming sites as yet.
How are awake JWs going to deal with the life and death, Dual Power of Suicide, no blood card issue?
by Island Man inthere was a recent leak of a letter to congregations regarding a new dpa no blood card.
part of the letter reads as follows:.
as a reminder, you should provide copies of your completed advance decision document to (1) those who served as witnesses, (2) your general practitioner (doctor), and (3) your congregation secretary.
Island Man
There was a recent leak of a letter to congregations regarding a new DPA no blood card. Part of the letter reads as follows:
As a reminder, you should provide copies of your completed Advance Decision document to (1) those who served as witnesses, (2) your General Practitioner (doctor), and (3) your congregation secretary. Additionally, you may wish to keep a copy with your will and other important documents.— Prov. 22:3.
If congregation secretaries start asking awake JWs for copies of their signed Dual Power of Suicide card how will they navigate this issue?
Can a JW refuse to sign the document without being disassociated?
Are there any good excuses that can be used for not signing it and that will enable you to dodge the DA bullet?
Does Jesus refute the Watchtower Blood prohibition?
by Terry inthis is the jerusalem council of faithful jewish christians addressing what obstacles gentile converts must hurdle to be accepted by them.
(note: this statement is a paraphrase of a much earlier law of the sons of noah.).
acts 15: "it is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the gentiles who are turning to god" (v. 19).
Island Man
I think that the easiest most logical rebuttal to the blood issue is to simply point to the fact that Jehovah made blood to flow in the veins so it is not a violation of the blood law for us to use our own native blood flowing in our veins. Therefore it should also not be a violation to accept a transfusion because transfused blood is being used in the veins just as our own native blood would be used. The prohibition on blood has nothing to do with the source of the blood and everything to do with the use to which the blood is being put. Using it as food is wrong, but using it in the veins as God created it to be used, cannot be wrong. Common sense 101. -
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
Island Man
Just because the JW's being wrong does not negate the possible existence of a god, does not mean there is a god.
True or False .... The JW Religion was Started by Amateur Self Avowed Bible Theologians ?
by Finkelstein in.....who were able to propagate their self devised bible theology by utilizing a printing plant which they themselves were the head editorial writers .
c t russell and the man to follow him j rutherford, were both not academically trained bible theologians but they certainly were inspired businessmen to the fact, charlatans of their own era and time.. the return of jesus christ and a new world order to replace an old wicked world order, was just too much of a marketable and tangible concept for those men to just leave alone.
they exploited the already existing belief in the bible already structured within the population to where they preached their created version of the gospel, the rest is now history as well their many self devised albeit commercially appealing failed doctrines .
Island Man
True -
The Christian GOD / Old Testament GOD , one and the same right? A GOD of Love ?
by smiddy inand god is the same today as he was yesterday and will be the same tomorrow.. in other words he is unchangeable.. what a bloodthirsty god he was in the old testament., at his command killing old men young men women and children by the sword , a two edged sword i might add in some cases.cutting both ways.. put yourself in that situation for a minute , either as a victim or the executioner.
can you imagine piercing some other human with a two edged sword ?
especially if they were a child ?
Island Man
Do not eat poisonous plants
And how exactly did the first humans centuries ago, happening upon a plant producing delicious-looking berries determine that it was poisonous? How do they make that determination without a life being lost?
What kind of sadistic God would make plants for food and invite man to eat of them all, then make some of them poisonous? Answer that.
Theists love to point to the beautiful things in the natural world as evidence of a loving creator. But there's also lots of ugly sadisitic things in the natural world too. Theists conveniently turn a blind eye to these.